50 years ago, the cost of energy was essentially negligible. It was all about mechanical design and engineering back then — keeping the equipment clean and running. Service excellence and dependability were paramount to success. This meant braving the elements, facing down disasters, ensuring continuity of service. As a young, aggressive, family-owned business looking to set itself apart, the people at Platinum Energy Group (PEG) understood this imperative early on and made it the company’s culture.
As the industry evolved, and the cost of energy rose, so did PEG’s reputation as an inventive problem solver. Time and time again, the PEG team would be challenged to design, develop and deploy innovations that focused on conservation, optimization and efficiency. The company’s deep engineering roots continued to serve it well.
Today, PEG provides a diversified spectrum of trade disciplines that has no competitive equal: more than 200 employees, a fleet of 100+ vehicles available 24/7/365 and an unyielding commitment to service excellence in everything it does. End-to-end, PEG is your pioneering energy solutions integrator — bringing supply, usage, service and more, all under one roof. The advantage: value, savings and technology leadership. Innovation for the Energy Age.